What your Granny threw out…

Been busy preparing for a fantastic vintage fair here in Cork, and luckily my mom has been holidaying abroad.

While left me a fantastic opportunity to turn her entire house into a workshop!

They say vintage is what your granny threw out, well its safe to say if my mother walked in the door right now..I’D BE THROWN OUT.

In Ireland we have this unique thing called the “good room”. That refers to a sitting room that is only used when royalty or posh neighbours call around, and is not, i repeat not to be used as a storage area for prints and display stands like so…

photo (15)

Nor is it a place to staple ribbon onto notice boards…

photo (17)

but when the result is soo lovely I.m am positive she wouldn’t mind if she never finds out!



round adverty

Heres a link to my facebook, here you can see lots more, but no telling mom.


Love Molly